Terms & Conditions

Driver’s License

Renters and drivers must comply with all our standard qualifications including those relating to age, driving license and credit.

All drivers must be over 23 years of age and have held a clean drivers license for at least a year.
Only drivers named on the rental agreement are authorized to drive the rental vehicle.
Citizen outside the E.U must have valid International drivers license.

For category F+ and above, drivers must be 26 years old minimum.

Additional drivers

Free of charge. Must comply with all our standard qualifications and be noted on the rental agreement before being permitted to drive.


Hire charges are per 24hour period from the time of the rental. Grace period, of one and a half hours. After this you will be charged the one third of the 24hours period, for each hour passed for the first 3 hours. Then you will be charged for a whole day.

Deposit: The estimated cost of rental is payable on check out time. ARΕΝΑ CΑR  RΕΝΤΑL s.a recognized credit card holders are exempted from this guarantee deposit.

For category C cars and above, valid credit cards are required.

At the end of the rental you will be able to pay even cash.

All charges are subject to final audit.

Kilometers & Charges

All our rates include 120 klm free per day. For a monthly rental the rate includes 3.000 klm free of charge. In case the renter wishes to drive more then he will be charged per kilometer on top of the rental price. This charge will be shown on the reservation but also on the rental agreement. The Customer shall pay the Lessor upon demand at the beggining of the agreement unless the following issues have been agreed otherwise. Time and mileage charges computed at the rates shown in this Agreement. Mileage to be determined through the factory installed odometer.


Rental rates include the following coverage’s:
  1.  Personal Accident Insurance (P.A.I) : Death and body injuries of driver
    Covers the renter of the vehicle of up to 15.000€ in case of death, total or partial disabilitydue to the accident.
    What’s not covered?
    Accidents that happened before or after the rental.
  2. Third Party Cover (TPC):
    Covers third parties in case of death or body injuries, including passengers (except the driver of the  vehicle), when using the vehicle up to 1.000.000€ and material damages to third parties up to 1.000.000€.
  3. Collision Damage Waiver (C.D.W) : Included in our rates and have excess deductible amount different to all groups.
    Damages caused to the underside of the car or to the tires are not covered by this waiver.The C.D.W insurance does not cover:

    a) Intentional damage or damage due to gross negligence on the part of the driver,
    b) Damage resulting from the driver being under the influence of alcohol, stimulants or sedatives, or in any other way incapable of driving the vehicle in a safe manner
    c) Damage due to race or test driving,
    d) Damage done by animals
    e) Holes burned into seats, carpets, or mats
    f) Damage affecting only wheels, tires, suspension, batteries, glass-mirrors (other than windows),radios, or loss by theft of parts of the vehicle and damage resulting from this,
    g) Damage caused by driving on rough roads to the vehicle’s transmission, drive, other parts that are in or attached to the chassis; damage to the chassis resulting from the vehicle scraping bottom on rough roads as a result of ridges being left by road graders; stones lodged in the road surface or on the shoulder of the road. The same applies to damage occurring when stones are thrown up, striking the underside of the vehicle during driving,
    h) Damage resulting from driving in places where vehicle traffic is banned, such as paths, tracks, unbridged rivers or streams, beaches, places only accessible at low tide, or other trackless areas. However, compensation will be paid for damage if the driver is forced to leave the road, for example, due to road repairs.
    i) Damage caused by sand, gravel, ash, or other kinds of earth material being blown onto the vehicle.
    k) Damage and loss that the suffers if the vehicle is stolen

    In other instances, reference is made to the general conditions for accident /CDW (SCDW) insurance.
    What is an “excess-deductble”?
    In the event of an accident to – or theft of – the vehicle, a sum of money (called an excess) has to be paid. The renter will still have to pay the excess-deductible amount, even if he was not at fault.

  4. Theft Protection (T.P) :
    Theft protection including in our rates, and relieves the renter from all financial responsibility from loss of the vehicle. In case of a damage you will have to pay up to the excess of the agreement, regardless of whether you were at fault or not.
    What’s not covered?
    Theft of personal belongings from the vehicle.
    Negligence regarding loading of a vehicle (e.g. car unsupervised) or keys safe keeping (e.g. left on ignition).
  5. The renter can purchase separateSpecial Coliision Damange Waiver (SCDW) and by doing so lower the self-risk of CDW down to 0. The SCDW insurance does not cover:
    a)  Intentional damage or damage due to gross negligence on the part of the driver,
    b) Damage resulting from the driver being under the influence of alcohol, stimulants or sedatives, or in any other way incapable of driving the vehicle in a safe manner
    c) Damage due to race or test driving,
    d) Damage done by animals
    e) Holes burned into seats, carpets, or mats
    f) Damage affecting only wheels, tires, suspension, batteries, glass (other than windows),radios, or loss by theft of parts of the vehicle and damage resulting from this,
    g) Damage caused by driving on rough roads to the vehicle’s transmission, drive, other parts that are in or attached to the chassis; damage to the chassis resulting from the vehicle scraping bottom on rough roads as a result of ridges being left by road graders; stones lodged in the road surface or on the shoulder of the road. The same applies to damage occurring when stones are thrown up, striking the underside of the vehicle during driving,
    h) Damage resulting from driving in places where vehicle traffic is banned, such as paths, tracks, unbridged rivers or streams, beaches, places only accessible at low tide, or other trackless areas. However, compensation will be paid for damage if the driver is forced to leave the road, for example, due to road repairs.
    i) Damage caused by sand, gravel, ash, or other kinds of earth material being blown onto the vehicle.
    k) Damage and loss that the suffers if the vehicle is stolen
    In other instances, reference is made to the general conditions for accident /CDW (SCDW) insurance.


  • Call the police
  • Obtain names and addresses of eyewitnesses.
  • Do not accept any responsibility of fault for the accident.
  • Contact immediately the company.
  • Obtain all relevant information from the parties in the accident or any third parties.
  • Complete and sign an accident report within 24hours from the time of the accident.
  • Full Insurance is invalidated if you are negligent.


Renter pays for the gasoline consumed during the rental. Unless the Customer return the rented vehicle with the same tank of fuel as hired, he will be charged for the cost of refueling the tank.


Free in all our stations and airport (2days minimum rental). Within city 12,00 € + tax. Minimum charge 5,00€ +tax. For elsewhere after arrangements with our offices. Cars must return within our office hours .Car deliveries or collections not within our operating hours are charged at €30 + tax.

Across the borders driving

Renters wishing to drive the car out of Greece must obtain the advance authorization of ARENA CAR RENTAL s.a. Extra charges apply if the customer is authorized to drive outside the country.


V.A.T 24%

Shipping of cars

Allowed only if ARENA CAR RENTAL s.a authorizes in writing.

Traffic Fines

The Customer is responsible for and shall pay all parking and traffic violations.

Tickets and subsequent administrative sanctions resulting for traffic violatios during the rental period are the renters expense. IF license plates are removed the renter must pay the ammount written on the ticket, and adminstrative fee of the flat amount of €30 plus vat, called as “Incident Report Fee”.

Accessories and equipment

Available upon request at the time of reservation.

Baby seat – booster seat

The charge is 4€ plus tax daily, with maximum charge the 12 days.


The charge is 5€ daily, plus tax,with maximum charge the 12days.

Rental agreement automobile

1. The Customer shall return the Vehicle to the Lessor at the location where rented or at another rental office if so designated in this Agreement, on the return date specified in this Agreement or sooner if so demanded by the Lessor. The Lessor reserves the right to repossess the Vehicle at any time without demand, at Customer’s expense, if the vehicle is used in Violation of this  agreement in the event of loss or damage to the Vehicle while in rental. Whether or not due to the fault of the Customer, he
shall pay to the Lessor upon demand the amount of all resulting losses and expenses that occurred by the Lessor. Except:

(a) If the Customer has complied with all terms and conditions and expenses to the  Lessor-unless otherwise stated-, then the Customer is NOT responsible for direct and accidental loss or damage to the Vehicle from fire or theft.
(b) If the Customer has complied with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, but he has not complied with the Customer’s
responsibility for direct and accidental loss and damage to the vehicle from collision then his liability is WAIVED by the Lessor if the Customer accepts the Collision Damage Waiver at time of the rental agreement by initialing in the «Accept» box on the reverse side of this page but if the Customer does not accept the C D W then his responsibility remains.

 (f) Granted discounts will be recalled if settlement of account is not made within the agreed limits.

2. The Customer should release and hold the Lessor, his agents and employees, immune from all claims for loss or damage to personal property of the Customer or any property of another person left or carried in the Vehicle, or any service provided through the Vehicle of the Lessor by the Customer or any other person or property received, handled or stored by the Lessor at any time before during or after this agreement whether or not this is due to the Lessor’s negligence or other fault.  

3. The Vehicle shall NOT be used
(a) Against the terms and conditions of this Agreement  
(b) To carry persons or property for hire  
(c) To carry more persons than it is licensed for  
(d) To tow any vehicle trailer or other object  
(e) To transfer or carry heavy luggage or objects, inflammable materials, staining or badly smelling goods, narcotics.
(f) In any race, test or contest
(g) While the Customer or any other driver of the Vehicle is under the influence of alcohol hallucinatory drugs, narcotics or

4. If the Vehicle is obtained from Lessor by fraud or misrepresentation or is obtained or used for any illegal purpose then the whole use of the Vehicle is WITHOUT THE LESSOR’S PERMISSION and the Customer can be liable for penal prosecution.

5. The Customer assumes full responsibility to take care of the Vehicle, to check its mechanical condition the oil water etc as well as the tires and the general driving conditions of the Vehicle. Any repair of Vehicle by the Customer himself or any other party  designated by the Customer is not allowed without the prior consent of the Lessor.

6. The Customer shall always take care of the vehicle, when not in use and take all appropriate precautions to prevent its theft or the pilferage of its accessories.

7. The Customer is responsible to pay any amount required for mechanical repairs or replacement of destroyed tires of the rented
car due to his negligence.  

8. The customer agrees that the Lessor is entitled to charge him any reasonable additional costs if the vehicle requires more than the Lessor’s standard cleaning on its return to restore it to the pre-rental condition.  

9. By entering to this Rental Agreement the Customer consents to the computer storage and processing of his personal information by the Lessor in connection with this rental agreement to secure the Lessor’s legitimates interests, including statistical analysis,
credit control and protection of our assets. According, if the Customer breaches this rental agreement his personal data may be disclosed or passed to third parties to the extent necessary to assist recovery procedures or prevent damage to the Lessor’s assets.

10. In any case of bad use of the car,or infringement of hire, the company has the right to remove the car from the lessee, with no

11. Any or all the disputes which may arise between Lessor and Customer shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Athens Greece.

Cancellations and Refunds 

1.Reservations within the period from 15/6 to 5/9 and during the Christmas and Easter period:
  • Cancellation made up to 21 days before the rental start date is free of charge. Any deposit that has been given may be refunded*
  • Cancellation made form 20days untill the start date of the rental or non show, then total cost of the reservation is non refundable 
2. Reservations for the period from 6/9 to 14/6 (except for the Christmas and Easter period):
  •  Cancellation made up to 7 days before the rental start date there is no charge.Any advance payment that has been made may be refunded*
  • Cancellation made from 6 days until the start date of the rental or non-appearance, the total cost of rent is not refundable.

       * The refund can be made within 2 months from the date of notification. Also you may be granted,as an              option, for a voucher, valid for an 18 months period, for a future rentals.

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